Abraham sarah descendants

Weekly resources to enrich worship and learning

Abraham sarah descendants

Preparing for 25 February - 02 March 2024

Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16, Psalm 22:23-31, Romans 4:13-25

Trusting God when we don’t understand

God makes a covenant with Abram, in which Abram and his wife Sarai (both in their nineties), will become the ancestors of many nations and peoples, including their leaders, and an example of great faith. They are renamed Abraham and Sarah and promised the birth of a son – this is a great blessing because they had not previously been able to have children.

This week's session plans

Roots Icons Adult All age 1

All-age act of worship

Roots Icons Prayer V2 no text

Young people's session

Roots Icons Under 5s no text

Under 5s

Roots Icons Childrens no text

Children's session

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In touch

Up-to-the-minute jumping-off points for sermons, linking the reading to the latest news and global issues

Seasonal resources

Max beck c72e Cr Ost C4 unsplash


Viktor talashuk XD xg0 J0 B7 E unsplash

All Saints

Olivia hutcherson r N3m7a TH3io unsplash


Cole keister P Qnk V6 i Z Mw unsplash

Bible characters

Northern lights


Finding beauty and wonder in the unexplainable.

a graveyard and a spooky house in a dark forest

Halloween: Courageously facing death

Activities, prayers and discussion ideas to help us talk about death and recognize that God is there for us whatever we are facing.

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