Back in 1999-2000, an ecumenical group of children’s advisers and denominational publishers from across the four nations of the UK met to explore the need for contemporary resources for all-age worship and learning. They concluded that two new ecumenical publications were needed: one that would equip church leaders with ideas and practical support for leading worship, preaching and prayers; and one that would help children’s and youth leaders engage their groups with the Bible.
This led, in 2002, to the launch of Roots: a not-for-profit publisher with the mission to offer practical, inspiring weekly materials that churches could rely on. As many churches in the denominations that were represented used either the Revised Common Lectionary or Common Worship, Roots would explore one of the RCL readings each week.
Over the past 21 years, Roots has sought to keep refreshing and updating its resources - responding to the changing realities of church. The resources we offer today look and feel quite different to the resources we started with! But what hasn’t changed is the collaborative way Roots resources are produced.
And what of the leaders who came up with the idea? They formed the Roots ecumenical partnership: the group of trustees that still advises and guides the Roots team. Find out more about our partners, our current trustees and the Roots team